
List of partners with the same outlook, understanding and mission to give a chance and improve the life of people with Down syndrome.
  1. British International School
  2. Family Dentistry
  3. GE Elfun Volunteers
  4. Hotel Danau Sunter
  5. IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta)
  6. JAKARTA SEHAT 2000 (dr. E. Magdalena SpOG, dr.Julia K. Kadang, Sp.A, Drg. Anne Gracia, Petrus Kisen)
  7. Japan Foundation
  8. Kidsports
  9. Kiwanis Club Indonesia
  10. Klinik Anakku
  11. Klinik Nutrifit (dr. Samuel Oetoro, dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono MSc.M.S. Gizi)
  12. Laetitia
  13. Lions Club
  14. RSCM (dr.Ferial Hadipoetro Idris, Sp RM, MS)
  15. RS Harapan Kita (dr. Eriyati Indrasanto, dr. Mariana Ugahary, Dra. Irawati, Dra. Annie P. Yustina)
  16. RSPAD (dr. Yusnailini Y.Mukawi MSc., dr. Haryetti Sumakto)
  17. Sanggar Lukis Cissie
  18. Saung Udjo, Bandung , Jawa Barat
  19. Sekolah Dian Grahita
  20. Sekolah Musik Kawai
  21. Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna)
  22. Sunter Podomoro Sport Centre
  23. TK Al-Azhar Kemang Pratama, Bekasi
  24. Water Store
  25. Sekolah Pelita Harapan
  26. Raffles International Christian School (RICS)
  27. Gigi Art of Dance
  28. Log in Foundation
  29. CT Foundation
About Us

ISDI (Ikatan Sindroma Down Indonesia or Indonesian Down syndrome Society) was formally established on 21 st April 1999. A non-profit support group of parents, medical professions, special-needs experts, teachers, and all of those who have deep concern.

We, as parents are very concerned of the future of children with Down syndrome in Indonesia especially when little is done to support them by the government or other non-profit organizations.

We so look forward towards a better future by sharing our experiences and supporting each other in our monthly gatherings. This way we gain knowledge and our children benefit from our experiences.

Events Schedule