Nisrina Zahra Putri

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She was born on April 2010, our love has created another beautiful baby girl. Her first cry made me the happiest mom in the world….my daughter has finally arrived. …
I held her with all my love….I kissed her with all my being….no words could describe the happiness I felt.
I named her Orlin Zahrina Putri which means a golden flower. I immediately envisage all the most wonderful future for my sweet angelic Orlin which will make us all very proud of her.
The days past and months went by so quickly my sweet Orlin is 3 months old now and able to turn and lie face downward.
My heart fills with so much pride to see the beautiful bonding of my two girls…. Yes…we have two beautiful daughters, Nisrina Zahra Putri, our first born or Iput as we call her, never fails to greet her baby sister with her sweet smile waking her up and asking her to have her bath and take a walk with her.

About Us

ISDI (Ikatan Sindroma Down Indonesia or Indonesian Down syndrome Society) was formally established on 21 st April 1999. A non-profit support group of parents, medical professions, special-needs experts, teachers, and all of those who have deep concern.

We, as parents are very concerned of the future of children with Down syndrome in Indonesia especially when little is done to support them by the government or other non-profit organizations.

We so look forward towards a better future by sharing our experiences and supporting each other in our monthly gatherings. This way we gain knowledge and our children benefit from our experiences.